Woodruff, Wisconsin (August)

Vacation in Paris (October)

Seattle Marathon (November)

The Isaacsons wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy 2006!

As we reflect on the activities of the past year, we know that we have been extraordinarily blessed with good health, supportive friends, and a loving family.

Ben is now in his sixth year of working full-time at SC Johnson, where he makes a living by helping maintain the company's computer systems. He still leads the Wednesday Worship Band at Our Savior's Lutheran Church, where he plays guitar and sings. The latest development in Ben's life is marathon running. He has successfully completed the Milwaukee Marathon on October 2 with a time of 4:47:40. He improved his personal best to 4:19:13 at the Seattle Marathon on November 27. He continues to train on a regular basis, so don't be surprised if you see him at another 26.2-mile race in 2006.

Jenelle has completed nearly two years at SCJ in Global Public Affairs and Communication. She serves as the Editor of the company newspaper and holds many other responsibilities that help her make the best of her journalism degree. She continues to co-direct the girls AWANA program at Winnetka Bible Church, and mentors a group of third through sixth grade girls at least once a week.

We're regular attenders at Kenosha Bible Church, where we've developed close friendships with other young families through our Tuesday night small group. Though we don't have kids of our own, we're always looking for opportunities to visit our nephew, Lucas, and our nieces, Ella and Lily.

Stay tuned to http://www.benandjenelle.com for news, pictures, and more. From our family to yours, we wish you the best of God's blessings in the coming year.

Love, Benjamin and Jenelle

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