Over the hill
Here comes another post from Ben about running. Before I talk about actual running, here's a picture from last Sunday's MS Walk.
This morning, I ran further than I ever have before in a single workout. I trekked 15.6 miles (about 25K) with an average pace of about 10:21 / mile.
What did I learn? Giving yourself an extra 30 seconds per mile can make a HUGE difference in how you feel. Two weeks ago, I ran 13.1 miles, setting the pacer on my forerunner at 10:00/mile. I made it, but I was EXTREMELY tired when I was done. I didn't feel like I could go another step. Today, I set the pacer at 10:30/mile. After almost 16 miles, I felt like I could go a little farther if I had to. Since my "race" isn't until October, there's no point in pushing myself too hard right now.
For those who might be curious about my split times, here you go:
Mile #1: 10:41
Mile #2: 10:47
Mile #3: 10:04
Mile #4: 10:14
Mile #5: 10:02
Mile #6: 10:00
Mile #7: 10:06
Mile #8: 10:14
Mile #9: 10:28
Mile #10: 10:19
Mile #11: 10:26
Mile #12: 10:16
Mile #13: 10:57
Mile #14: 09:59
Mile #15: 10:26
I think I could have managed 20 miles at this pace -- during mile 14 (my fastest), I actually walked for about 15 seconds while Jenelle brought me some gatorade (thanks, sweetie!). The weather was a bit chilly this morning, but it was perfect for running. I didn't get dehyrdrated at all, and I wasn't drenched in sweat when I got home (yeah, pretty picture there).
Estimated calories burned: 2250. That's over half a pound.
This morning, I ran further than I ever have before in a single workout. I trekked 15.6 miles (about 25K) with an average pace of about 10:21 / mile.
What did I learn? Giving yourself an extra 30 seconds per mile can make a HUGE difference in how you feel. Two weeks ago, I ran 13.1 miles, setting the pacer on my forerunner at 10:00/mile. I made it, but I was EXTREMELY tired when I was done. I didn't feel like I could go another step. Today, I set the pacer at 10:30/mile. After almost 16 miles, I felt like I could go a little farther if I had to. Since my "race" isn't until October, there's no point in pushing myself too hard right now.
For those who might be curious about my split times, here you go:
Mile #1: 10:41
Mile #2: 10:47
Mile #3: 10:04
Mile #4: 10:14
Mile #5: 10:02
Mile #6: 10:00
Mile #7: 10:06
Mile #8: 10:14
Mile #9: 10:28
Mile #10: 10:19
Mile #11: 10:26
Mile #12: 10:16
Mile #13: 10:57
Mile #14: 09:59
Mile #15: 10:26
I think I could have managed 20 miles at this pace -- during mile 14 (my fastest), I actually walked for about 15 seconds while Jenelle brought me some gatorade (thanks, sweetie!). The weather was a bit chilly this morning, but it was perfect for running. I didn't get dehyrdrated at all, and I wasn't drenched in sweat when I got home (yeah, pretty picture there).
Estimated calories burned: 2250. That's over half a pound.
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